IAML/IASA Annual Conference, Perugia, Monday 2 September 1996, 16:15 - 17:45
IAML. Working Group on Music Periodicals
Thomas F. Heck (The Ohio State University, Columbus)
The Role of Half-Tones and 'Whole-Tones' in the Illustration of Music Periodicals
Much significance been attributed to the development of the 'screen
half-tone' illustration, near-photographic in quality, in printing in
the final two decades of the 19th century. Cultural historians call it
"an iconographical revolution of the first order," but music historians
have not examined the question in depth. This study reviews the normal
methods of illustration found in illustrated music periodicals during
the period c. 1880-1914 (of which there are over fifty titles),
examining Il teatro illustrato e la musica popolare in detail, and asks
whether the pre-1900 appearance of the half-tone photographs in such
journals as The Musical World, and Musical opinion & musical trade
review, had any real significance.
Le rôle des "demi teintes" et des "teintes pleines" dans l'illustration des périodiques musicaux
On attribue une signification importante au dévelopment de
l'illustration dite 'demi-teinte', similigravure de qualité
quasi-photographique, encontrée pour la premiére fois dans la presse
vers la fin du 19e siècle. Certains historiens de la culture la
considèrent une "revolution iconographiqu", mais les musicologues n'eu
ont pas encore beaucoup parlé. Cette étude expliquera les methodes
courantes de l'illustration qui se trouvent dans les périodiques
musicales au cours des années 1880-1914, examinera Il teatro illustrato e
la musica popolare en détail, et cherchera à déterminer si l'usage des
demi-teintes dans des journeaux, tels The Musical World, et Musical
opinion & musical trade review , avait une signification réelle.